
Sunday, November 17, 2013

My relationship with my Tarot deck

The Strength, the Devil and the Hermit

 I've been owning a Tarot deck for quite I while now. I don't use it much since I don't know it that much, and to be honest, I should study it more. The little I know about each cards is very interesting, and I know there's a lot of exercises to connect with them and get used to what they mean. I chose a Marseille tarot deck for many reasons. I wanted a classic and traditional look, but I also wanted a traditional path to Tarot reading, at least to get me started. I also really like that everything you need to know about the meaning of the card is in its picture.

Since I'm not yet really used to it, I don't use it that often. I usually just grab my Runes and go with spreads I'm comfortable with. But, now and then, I do grab my Tarot deck, and see what happens. About every time I do so, I get very interesting results. And pretty accurate too. I do have to read about each cards that comes out, and one of the spread that I like is pretty complex so I tend to follow it through my book. It still works well and I learn a lot each time.

A few months ago, I did a reading for the months to come, and the cards warned me about difficult times to come. It was pretty precise of what it would concern, without exactly telling what it would be. I didn't want to know either. I would just overall prepare myself to go through something difficult, and see what would happen. A few weeks ago, I thought it was happening since it was becoming a little harder in that particular domain, but, really, it was nothing. I'm currently going through a very difficult time, and I know it's what the Tarot had in mind.

As I'm trying to go through the smoothest way I can, I meditate a lot and spend a lot of time withing myself. Reading, learning, practicing, it all helps me go through. My spirituality warms me like a soft mantle. I am sad. I am scared. But it all helps me stay stable. I just had a little trouble seeing how it would evolve, how life would be once I get through. So, I thought I could grab my deck again, and see what the cards would have to tell me.

I did the same spread that a few months ago. And it was very interesting. Hopefully, there was no big bad news to be seen. The reading was actually pretty optimistic. Maybe a bit too much for my understanding. I did understand what the cards wanted to tell me, but for many of them, I couldn't see how such great things would happen after that difficult thing I'm going through right now. For example, one of the cards is for the financial aspect for the months to come. And the strength came out. Which means being in control of the situation. But in the past weeks, as things were staring not to go so well, I had to work less hours, meaning less money. And because of what I'm going through, I won't work at all for the next two weeks. After that comes Christmas (yeah, I will celebrate Yule AND Christmas, since even though our families are not really religious, its still part of the tradition), and overall winter, and winter in Canada means, you need warm clothes, a good winter coats and good winter boots. So, lots of thing that cost money while I won't make any until December. So I can't imagine how I could be in control financially with all those facts. Same thing with the Devil coming out. It came out in a very positive way, telling me (again) of money coming in, and also a great vitality and a time of pleasure. All of this is great, but again, thinking of whats currently going on, I can't see how it could change so fast. Of course, it's not meant to tell me of what will happen tomorrow morning, but even the next months feel too close.

But I trust the cards. They were right before, and even though I don't understand what is coming for me, I sure hope they are right again. I sure could use a bit of financial help, and even more of great times and feeling better. 

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